Solid Waste Management (SWM) is a burning issue not only in Nepal but with in the world.
For proper SWM there is equal responsibility of each & every stakeholders from production to consumption level .
Consumer behaviour play a vital role for waste production and it's management.
Currently , Dakshinkali Municipality is also facing a problem of SWM in place like pharping where density is high.
To make SWM sustainable , a work is need to be done from ground level not only from adminstrative and management level.
We all are eqally responsible of waste creation starting from buying the product until we care for it's proper disposal.
As there is a quote that Everybody's responsibility is no-one responsibility.This should not be happen.
Buyer habit is directly associated with waste creation. So, Until & unless the swift of consumer habit for less waste production and goods with less waste creation. SWM could not be done.
Responsible Buyer and Responsible Tourism is only the sustainable solution of SWM.
If proper policies , plans , regulation and action could not be launched, the problem may suffers all of us in coming future.
Picture: Waste Production with in Gopaleshwor Forest on the way to newly built Suspension Bridge
©Amrit Shrestha