Thursday, May 26, 2022

Women Entrepreneurship in Dakshinkali Municipality

Meet my sister, She is Gita Shrestha Amatya. She is involving in Agriculture . First She quit a job of Teaching and  She try poultry farming but could not  achieved the result as expected. Then she try tomato farming. Again she bears huge loss but she never gave up. Learning from the mistakes, she shifted focus from substantial farming to commercial farming. For this, she tries various cash crops. 

Now also She works day & night. She is so hardworking person who never gets tired of work. She is perfect example of women entrepreneurship in Agriculture. Such women entrepreneurship in Agriculture should be supported , assisted and promoted from government , private and public level too. 
Recently, She is involved in production of Jimbu . Not only this She collects all the Jimbu and distributes through her Mangal Agricultural Farm. In this regard, Her husband supports a lot. 

You can contact @ 9823724639 to buy or sell Jimbu as per requirement . 
Women empowerment should be appreciated from every level for the development of nation.
Thank you 
©Amrit Shrestha

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Solid Waste Management in Dakshinkali Municipality

Solid Waste Management (SWM) is a burning issue not only in Nepal but with in the world. 
For proper SWM there is equal responsibility of each & every stakeholders from production to consumption level .
A proper research & data is needed to figure out the waste production and it's proper management.
Consumer behaviour play a vital role for waste production and it's management. 
Currently , Dakshinkali Municipality is also facing a problem of SWM in place like pharping where density is high. 
To make SWM sustainable , a work is need to be done from ground level not only from adminstrative and management level.
We all are eqally responsible of waste creation starting from buying the product until we care for it's proper disposal. 
As there is a quote that Everybody's responsibility is no-one responsibility.This should not be happen. 
Buyer habit is directly associated with waste creation. So, Until & unless the swift of consumer habit for less waste production and goods with less waste creation. SWM could not be done. 
Responsible Buyer and Responsible Tourism is only the sustainable solution of SWM. 
If proper policies , plans , regulation and action could not be launched, the problem may suffers all of us in coming future.

Picture: Waste Production with in Gopaleshwor Forest on the way to newly built Suspension Bridge 
©Amrit Shrestha

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Wrestling @ Pharping

Wrestling @ Pharping

Pharping could be developed as a melting point of Sport Tourism.

More workout need to be done to develop pharping as a cultural, natural, recreational and sport tourism hotspot.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Dhime and Dhime Dance

 Dhime and Dhime Dance

Dhime is a newari typical and traditional newari drum where right side is beaten by stick with round and circular head called Nasakathi and left side is beaten by hand. The left side produces a sound of kha, ghya whereas the right side produces sound of ta, na etc . when both sides is beaten it produces a sound of dhaa.

A circular disk-shaped made up of metal called Bhusya is also played to guide a dhime. A dhime has a rhythm which has to be memorised to play it well.
Nityanath is worshipped to play it well and Newari rituals are performed to transfer the knowledge.
Similarly, Dhime dance includes typical movements of hands and body which go with the flow of music. The movement of hand and body is synchronized with the rhythm and music of Dhime.

Newari authentic custom-like Daura Surawal Topi for male and Hakupatasi with ornaments for female adds beauty while performing this intangible culture.
Nowadays A Culture seems to be revived. People are enjoyed being in their own traditional dress, eating their own food, playing their own music and musical instruments, and fulfilling their own rituals.
Thanks to our ancestors for creating, discovering and transferring such a great intangible value to our culture.

Pharping is on the path to conserve and preserve both tangible and intangible Cultue since it has been a cultural melting pot during the ancient times. - Amrit Shrestha Thanking Diya Maharzan to provide me video clips which energize me to edit and write few words about it.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

सफलता पैसाले किनिने होइन ।

सफलता पैसाले किनिने होइन । मलाई आज
पनि भन्छन्, पैसाविना केही हासिल हुदैन, थुक्न
मनलाग्छ उनीहरूको संकिर्ण बिचारमाथी ।
इतिहास साक्षि छ, विश्वलाई यती उन्नत
गरिबहरूले नै बनाएका हुन् । गरिबले केही गर्न
सक्दैन भन्न सिर्फ भ्रम मात्र हो ।
संसारका संसारका लोकप्रिय कलाकार
चार्ली च्याप्लिन गुजारा चलाउन भिख माग्थे ।
हेनरिक इब्सन आफ्नै लुगा बेचेर बेलुकिको छाक
टार्थिन् । मोजार्ट त्यो कठोर
जाडोमा आगो बाल्ने दाउरा किन्न सक्दैनथे ।
स्टिभ जब्सले पेटभरी खान सार्वजनिक
भोजनको दिन कुर्नुपर्थ्यो । अब्दुल कलाम दई
पैसा कमाउन बाटोमा पत्रिका बेच्थे । म्यक्सिम
गोर्की नकोर थिए । जेम्स क्यामरूनले
आफ्नो पहिलो स्क्रिप्ट जम्मा एक
डलरमा बेचेका थिए । जे के रोलिङलेसँग
ह्यारी पोर्टरको कहानी लेख्न कपी किन्ने
पैसा थिएन । एडगर एलन
पो आफ्नो श्रिमती पिडाले
तड्पिदा उनी छेउमा बसेर धुरूधुरू रून्थे
किनकी उनीसँग उपचारको गराउने पैसा थिएन ।
लियोनेल मेसी होटलको टेवल पुछ्ने वेटर थिए ।
एडिसन नाङ्ले पसलमा साग बेच्थे । विकासानन्द
होटलका चम्चा प्लेट चोर्थे । ग्राहम बेलले
फोनको आविष्कार गन्हाउने
छिडीमा गरेका थिए....
मित्र, पैसा नै सबैथोक होइन । यसले
जुत्ता किन्न सक्छ भन्दैमा शिखरमै पुर्याउछ
भन्ने होइन । यो याद राख, शिखर चुम्न साहस
चाहिन्छ, आत्मविश्वास चाहिन्छ । म
तिनीहरूहरूलाई सुझाव दिन्छु, यदि तिम्रो सफल
हुने दृढ इच्छा छ भने, पैसा छैन भनेर अडिएर
नबस । अघि बढ । तिम्रो सफलतालाई कसैले
छेक्न सक्दैन ।

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Bhundole Pharping

 Bhundol seems like a valley with in a valley,lies in Dakshinkali municipality, Talku Dudechaur, pharping. We can reach there from two places .One from old dakshinkali and another from Talku, Setidevi School. Nearly it takes 1 hour walk max from pharping if you prefer hiking. If you want to go in bike , it will reach up to there , however, you have to walk 5/10 min.

The silence place, greenary and the natural ground surrounded by woods is the speciality of Bhundol. In ancient times , locals believed that there were settlements.

It is the best place for short hiking and camping. Be aware of leech, the presence of leech is what you cannot avoided.

Bhundol Vlog, Trending location of Pharping
#Bhundol #Pharping #bhudol #pharpingnepal #innovative_creation #exolore_pharping

Check it out Bhundol Vlog Episode02: Hy , Hello & Namaste Its me Innovative Amrit Shrestha. Follow me on insta ; Like my page ;

Everest Base Camp Trek